Fairway Villas Village

Fairway Villas Homeowners Association is a eighteen property, single-family home Village in Battlement Mesa, Colorado.  These 1,200 to 2,000 sq. ft. courtyard villas have a distinctive "Southwestern" flair and feature expansive views for which Battlement Mesa is famous.  Lot sizes range from 4,000 to 7,600 square feet. 

These covenant protected villas includes private courtyards and the village is complimented by large, beautifully landscaped turf grass common areas.  Only nine of the eighteen lots are "built-out" thus there are many lots to choose from.  Visit Fairway Villas and select your building site.

The association's fee includes snow removal, landscape maintenance, insurance and "common area" lawn and tree watering costs.

Fairway Villas Homeowners Association is a sub-association of the Battlement Mesa Service Association.  Fairway Villas property owners belong to the BMSA and the Fairway Villas Homeowners Association.  As a sub-association, Fairway Villas Homeowners Association has its own three-member board of directors, bylaws, covenants, budget, reserve funds and financial statements. Half a common assessment fees are $162/yr.

Village Delegate/BMSA Board Member: Brad Gates




Map of Fairway Villas