Association Documents
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This section contains all of the legal documents pertaining to the organization of Battlement Mesa as well as the documents that modify the original organizational documents.
Rules & Regulations Summary
- Rules & Regulations Summary - This summary sheet does not encompass all rules & regulations. This documemt only lists the most common rules & regulations. Download Here
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Articles of Incorporation
- Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of Battlement Mesa Service Association, (August 28, 1991) Download Here
- First Amendment to the Amended and Restted Articles of Incorporation of Battlement Mesa Service Association, (October 2, 2002) Download Here
- Amended & Restated Bylaws of Battlement Mesa Service Association Download Here
- First Amendment to the Amended and Restated Bylaws of Battlement Mesa Service Association, (August 19, 2003) Download Here
- Amended and Restated Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Battlement Mesa, (August 13, 1991) Download Here
- First Amendment to the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Battlement Mesa, (November 7, 2001) Download Here
- Supplemental Declaration to the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Battlement mesa Applicable only to Willow Creek Village, Section One; Battlement Creek Village, Section One, and Stone ridge Subdivision Properties, (March 26, 2002) Download Here
- Second Amendment to the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Battlement Mesa, (October 3, 2002) Download Here
- Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Battlement Mesa, (August 19, 2003) Download Here
- Fourth Amendmentf and Supplement to the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Battlement Mesa, (October 27, 2003) Download Here
- Fifth Amendment to the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Battlement Mesa and Consolidation of th Supplemental Declaration to the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Battlement Mesa, and the First through Fourth Amendments tothe Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Battlement Mesa, (April 7, 2005) Download Here
- Sixth Amendment to the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Battlement Mesa, (December 20, 2005) Download Here
- Seventh Amendment to the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Battlement Mesa Download Here
- Eighth Amendment to the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Battlement Mesa Download Here
- Ninth Amendment to the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Battlement Mesa Download Here
Annexation of Properties
- Supplemental Declaration and Annexation to Battlement Mesa for Mesa Ridge Phase II Subdivision, (April 9, 1993) Download Here
- Supplemental Declaration and Annexation to Battlement Mesa for Mesa Ridge Phase III Subdivision, (May 16, 1994) Download Here
- Supplemental Declaration and Annexation to Battlement Mesa for Grace Bible Church Subdivision, (December 30, 1996) Download Here
- Supplemental Declaration for the Annexation of Properties to the Battlement Mesa Service Association, (April 19, 1999) Download Here
- Annexation Agreement for First Eagles Point, (April 7, 2005) Download Here
- Supplemental Declarations for the Annexation of Properties to the Battlement Mesa Service Association, (February 20, 2006) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Voting by Mail in Lieu of a Meeting - Stone Ridge (February 18, 2025) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Voting by Mail in Lieu of a Meeting - Monument Creek Village (February 18, 2025) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Policy and Procedures For Collection of Unpaid Assessments (August 7, 2024) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Policy and Procedures Governing Registration of Phone Number and Email Address (August 7, 2024) Download Here
- Notice of Resolutions (July 16, 2024) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Policy and Procedures Governing Roof Design (December 1, 2023) Download Here
- Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Voting By Mail in Lieu of a Meetin (004) Download Here
- Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Voting By Mail in Lieu of a Meetin (005) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Resolution Regarding Policies and Procedures for Covenant and Rule Enforcement (October 18, 2022) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Adopting Procedures for the Conduct of Meetings (October 18, 2022) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Procedures for Collection of Unpaid Assessments (October 18, 2022) Download Here
- Full Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Policy and Procedures Governing Xeriscape (November 17, 2020) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Policy and Procedures Governing Foreclosure (November 17, 2020) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Policy and Procedures Governing Roof Design (August 18, 2020) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Conveyance Agreement with Fairway Villas Homeowners Association (May 19, 2020) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding The Adoption of a Forecolsure Resolution. (April 17, 2018) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Voting By Mail in Lieu of a Meeting. (March 20, 2018) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Capital Contributions. (January 16, 2018) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Approval of the Formation of a 501 (c)(4) Nonporift Corporation. (June 20, 2017) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Policy & Procedure Governing Outbuildings. (May 1, 2017) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Policy & Procedure Governing Curb Cuts, Driveways, Walkways, Parking Apron. (October 1, 2016) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Policy & Procedure Governing Outbuildings. (October 1, 2016) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Policy & Procedure Governing Lot Vegetation Maintenance and Vegetation Encroachment on Streets & Sidewalk (September 20, 2016) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Policies and Procedures for Covenant and Rule Enforcement, (July 15, 2014) Download Here
- Resolution Regarding Policy and Procedure for Collection of Unpaid Assessments. (January 1, 2014) Download Here
- Document Retention and Destruction Policy. (April 16, 2013) Download Here
- Resolution Regarding Policy and Procedure for Inspection and Copying of Association Records. (March 19, 2013) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association which Clarifies whether Delegate Approval is Required for the Association to Acquire, Hold, Encumber or Convey Money. (November 16, 2010) Download Here
- Resolution of Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Excess Income Applied Towards Subsequent Year's Expenditures, (December 31, 2009) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Adopting Policies and Procedures Regarding Sign Guidelines and Specifications, (January 17, 2006) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR). (January 1, 2006) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Adopting Policies and Procedures Regarding Ballots and Voting Procedures. (January 1, 2006) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Adopting Policies and Procedures Regarding Board Members Conflicts of Interest. (January 1, 2006) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association, Inc. Adopting Policies and Procedures Regarding Procedure for Claims Submissions to the Association's Insurance Carriers. (January 1, 2006) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Policies and Procedures for Collection of Unpaid Assessments. (January 1, 2006) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Adopting Procedures for the Conduct of Meetings. (January 1, 2006) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Policy and Procedure for Inspection and Copying of Association Records. (January 1, 2006) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Investment Reserve Policy. (January 1, 2006) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Procedures for Adoption of Policies, Procedures, Rules, Regulations, or Guidelines. (January 1, 2006) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Policy and Procedures for Antenna and Satellite Dish Installation Restictions. (January 1, 2006) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Adopting Policies and Procedures Regarding Outdoor Lighting, (December 20, 2005) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Regarding Policy and Procedures Governing Tree Care and Maintenance, (December 20,2005) Download Here
- Resolution fo the Battlement Mesa Service Association Adopting Policies and Procedures Regarding Display of the American Flag, (December 20, 2005) Download Here
- Resolution of the Battlement Mesa Service Association Adopting Policies and Procedures Regarding Child Care Homes, (December 20, 2005) Download Here
- Resolution Rules and Regulations Governing Battlement Mesa Service Association Area, (December 20, 2005) Download Here
Architectural Standards
- The Amended and Restated Residential Architectural Standards for Battlement Mesa, (September 2011 Revision) Download Here